Dystopian Fiction in a Changing World: Reflecting Society’s Fears and Hopes
Dystopian fiction has long been a compelling and thought-provoking genre in literature, offering a glimpse into possible dark futures.
Dystopian fiction has long been a compelling and thought-provoking genre in literature, offering a glimpse into possible dark futures.
Han shooting first is much more in line with his rogue nature and reinforces his character development throughout the original trilogy.
This corpulent, slug-like crime lord may not fit the traditional mold of a hedonist icon, but just take a look at his lifestyle and values.
Taika Waititi’s 2019 film Jojo Rabbit expands society’s collective memory of World War II.
When analyizing A Star is Born (2018) using Laura Mulvey’s Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema it’s clear the narrative is inherently sexist.
Magnificent in decaying splendor, lonely, haunted and windswept, the big old building stands at the center of most Gothic fiction.
When Shakespeare’s great tragedies are brought up, including Macbeth, we often focus on literary merits, but what about plot structure?
Religious movies have fallen in popularity at the box office in recent decades. But what caused the rise and fall of these religious epics?
Author Rayne Hall delves into the psyche to discuss how and why dreams influence her work and the work of great authors past.