
And The Razzies Go To…

By Jason Boyd


While we wait for The Oscars tonight, The Razzies winners have been announced.

For those out of the loop, you don’t want a Razzie. They’re a “worst of” award.

Here’s the thing. I like the Razzies, because it’s a chance to have a few laughs. Hell, even Sandra Bullock accepting a Razzie in person — right after she won an Oscar for a different movie. It’s all in good fun. It’s not like Internet trolls are sitting in the audience.

One thing to note, however, before we get too far into this, is that these movies are all still legitimate movies. They don’t include crappy low-budget films at the Razzies. So, the rom-com you and your dog made in the basement doesn’t count.

The big winner was The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2. I must say, I think this is more a sign of the hatred people have for the series. Sure, Kristen Stewart (a big winner in her own right) has about as much charisma as a bowl of sardines, but this movie and its predecessors wasn’t all that bad. For my money, another nominee should have won: Battleship. My god. Escaping without a Razzie should be the producers’ finest hour.

Also, That’s My Boy won for Worst Screenplay and Worst Actor (Adam Sandler). Really? I have to say… I didn’t mind that movie all that much. I actually laughed once or twice. No, it wasn’t good, per se… but worst? Sandler beat Tyler Perry. What does that say about America?

And worst screenplay? Worst than Battleship? Worst than Atlas Shrugged Part II? I’m actually a big fan of the novel, but these movie adaptations are made by either complete morons or empty chairs.

Oh, well. It doesn’t really matter. All of these folks are millionaires. And it’s really just an appetizer to the actual awards show. Bring on the Oscars!


  • Jason Boyd

    Jason Boyd is a science fiction author, geek enthusiast, and former cubicle owner. When not working on his MA in Creative Writing, he's trying to figure out how magnets work.

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