14 Doctor Who Adventures to Add to Your Watchlist

Since its inception in 1963, Doctor Who has become a beloved and iconic science fiction series, captivating audiences with its thrilling adventures, complex characters, and imaginative storytelling. 

9 Video Games Worth Replaying

One of the best things about video games is the ability to pick up the controller and play again, but with so many great video games out there, how do you narrow it down to which ones are worth replaying?

Ben Solo Deserved Better

The title of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of the Skywalker, the purported last of the Skywalker saga, is a bit of a slap in the face.

sean connery dead at age 90

NEWS ROUND-UP: 11-2-2020

Screen legend Sean Connery rests in peace, theater chain AMC reports massive loss in revenue due to COVID-19, and other fiction-related news.